Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Yo Moby; Datz juZ a HOEHOE.

sososo lyke, dis bitch named names lez just say Lezie-Bun has moved 2 da top of ma slutty trampo list 4crazed. Lezie-Bun had mad sexi Timez in da Creek wit a boi i used to respect by da namey of LongFace-Bun, who now i c as lyke a freakin AIDs rape 08 kinda Gogo hoe. NAWT AT ALL cute......cute is class n sass, which both of dez terrible two lack quite frankly!
^^^diz Smokey, strange bitcha bella in ma hood.

Hoez gotta have respecto fo dem selves before de earn any dat shat so daym, stop trampin and hopz off yo own dixz lil freaky handz, cause bebe and bois it get so old soooo fast. BELIEVE DAT!!


  1. How could you ignore such prose?

  2. With beauty before me such as this, I change how I see EVERYTHING! Andy was crampin' my style last night, but I hope you know what Suga Dick and you and I acomplished is FOR REAL and will last a LYFETIME!
