Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Notes from Maria Clarence.

"Sundays are the worst. Those are the days when all seems to fade into the promise of new torture, the torture of relizing that time is passing, and will continue to pass, and there is no way to stop it. You also relize that time will continue when you are gone, and the world will change as if your short stay never existed. What scares me most as the dates pass is the fear of boredom, boredom that will swiftly occur when I pass. There will no longer be thoughts, feelings, memories to replay again and again in my head...what will happen when all of this is over? What will happen when to roller coaster comes to a hault?"-Kate Speidel

This quote truly reflects the slave narritive "Incidents in the life of a slave girl" by Mary Prince on many levels. It showcases the constant torture enforced upon those unfortunet souls, who knew their demise was swiftly approaching. It also highlights the true devotion one may have to there beliefs, no matter how radical.


  1. WOW, I can tell this "Kate Spiedle" charecture has alot to chew off on her plate!

  2. ......She is so emoooooooo, why are you no longer street wise? why is this like english or w.e.
