Wednesday, June 2, 2010

we all can't sing along, or else we are a clan!

talons, talons, talons......walking into the talkie, talking into the saloon
we carry our burdens so they can bring us about, about Charles, about Denis, never about the red man. Windows carry our feline whores up and about, they beg to be put down...but we never listen. We always bring what we want, when we want it. We always take what we want, when we want it. We always have our way, because we made the way. Waveboarders never give in to the four wheels, always staying on two, making it harder and much less practical, but enjoying the unique feeling that comes along with its cleat like coverings. We never drowned a baby in our tubs, that was Amy Tans heroines mother in Joy Luck...she also had sex on a wall.

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